ECU communication Server – Version
1 429 downloads
23 October 2020 New features and fixed problems in version (Released 21-07-2020)
  • The following versions of the libraries are installed: - EcbClientDLL.dll V. - ecbclientdll_mt.dll V. - bingen.dll V.
  • Fixed bug in the installation process: the incorrect installation of the qt-mt338.dll debug library instead of the release one, which caused a windows error message when launching the ECUCommServer application without running it;
ECU communication Server – Version
1 51 downloads
2 August 2023 New features and fixed problems in version (Released 12-09-2023)
  • Added some updates to try to solve the problem of random blocking of the EFI USB communication interface Windows Driver when you change the USB port, especially after disconnecting the laptop from the docking station. Now the application closes all connected clients and quit when the interface is disconnected from the USB bus. This update can be disabled by setting the value of the QuitAfterDisconnect key in the settings file ecucommserver.ini to false;
ECU communication Server – Version
1 73 downloads
5 April 2024 New features and fixed problems in version (Released 26-02-2024)
  • Any connection to the server is rejected if no communication interfaces have been detected.
  • The information of the selected interface and the button of the settings are disabled if no communication interfaces were detected.
  • In the management of EFI USB interfaces removed internal interface buffer flush when no messages are received within the timeout.